Skip to main content
replaced with
Source Link

Thank you for this script. It was basically the thing I was looking for when I asked for a [Second 'link' button below posts which provides a comment style link in the form post title](

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Copy Question Link Markdown (modified)
// @author        Nathan Osman
// @author        Martin Scharrer
// @namespace
// @description   Adds a button for copying the markdown of a post's URL to the clipboard
// @include*
// @include       http*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include       http://**
// ==/UserScript==

/* Modified by Martin Scharrer 14th April 2012 to support links to answers and to use short form URLs.
 * Changelog:
 *  o Added support for answer posts.
 *    - The pop-up window now appears beside the clicked 'copy' button, not at the very first one.
 *    - The included URL will point to the post the button belongs to, not always to the question.
 *  o The short version of the URL is now used to minimize the number of characters.
 *  o Changed "id='copy-button'" to "class='copy-button'" to allow multiple buttons.
 *    Before all posts got the button, which incorrectly had all the same id.
 *  o The object of the 'copy' button is now passed along with the click, not determined by its id.
 * */

// Here I borrow a couple functions I wrote for another
// UserScript that makes it easy to provide functions
// with complete access to the page.
function EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = "(" + function_contents.toString() + ")()";

// ...the other one
function EmbedFunctionOnPage(function_name, function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = function_contents.toString().replace(/function ?/, 'function ' + function_name);

// The code to execute when the ZeroClipboard lib loads
EmbedFunctionOnPage('DoCopy', function(button) {
    // Get ids required to build short URL to the post
    var questionid = location.path.match(/\/questions\/(\d+)\/.*/)[1];
    var shortquestionpath = $("#link-post-" + questionid).attr("href");
    var userid = shortquestionpath.substr( questionid.length + 4 ); // "/q/<questionid>/<userid>"
    var answerid = $(button).parents("div.answer").log("answer").attr("data-answerid");
    var shorturl;
    if (answerid) {
        shorturl = "http://" + + "/a/" + answerid + "/" + userid;
    else {
        shorturl = "http://" + + shortquestionpath;

    // Determine the content of the DIV
    var content = '<b>Copy the following:</b><br /><br /><textarea id="copy-content" style="width: 440px; height: 80px;">[' +
                  $('#question-header .question-hyperlink').text() + '](' + shorturl + ')</textarea>';

    $('body').append('<div id="copy-popup" class="popup" style="width: 450px; position: absolute; display: none;">' +
                     '<div class="popup-close"><a title="close this popup">×</a></div>' + content + '</div>');

    // Assign the close action to the 'x'
    $('#copy-popup .popup-close').click(function() { $('#copy-popup').fadeOut(300, function() { $('#copy-popup').remove(); }); });

    // Position the dialog
    var pos    = $(button).position();
    var height = $(button).height();

    $('#copy-popup').css('left', pos.left);
    $('#copy-popup').css('top', + height + 3);

    $('#copy-popup').fadeIn(500, function() {

        // Select the contents
        var textarea = document.getElementById('copy-content');




// The code that gets executed right away.
EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function() {

    jQuery.fn.log = function (msg) {
    console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);
    return this;
    // Embed the copy item
    $('.post-menu').append("<span class='lsep'>|</span><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='DoCopy(this)' class='copy-button'>copy</a>");


Thank you for this script. It was basically the thing I was looking for when I asked for a [Second 'link' button below posts which provides a comment style link in the form post title](

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Copy Question Link Markdown (modified)
// @author        Nathan Osman
// @author        Martin Scharrer
// @namespace
// @description   Adds a button for copying the markdown of a post's URL to the clipboard
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include       http://**
// ==/UserScript==

/* Modified by Martin Scharrer 14th April 2012 to support links to answers and to use short form URLs.
 * Changelog:
 *  o Added support for answer posts.
 *    - The pop-up window now appears beside the clicked 'copy' button, not at the very first one.
 *    - The included URL will point to the post the button belongs to, not always to the question.
 *  o The short version of the URL is now used to minimize the number of characters.
 *  o Changed "id='copy-button'" to "class='copy-button'" to allow multiple buttons.
 *    Before all posts got the button, which incorrectly had all the same id.
 *  o The object of the 'copy' button is now passed along with the click, not determined by its id.
 * */

// Here I borrow a couple functions I wrote for another
// UserScript that makes it easy to provide functions
// with complete access to the page.
function EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = "(" + function_contents.toString() + ")()";

// ...the other one
function EmbedFunctionOnPage(function_name, function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = function_contents.toString().replace(/function ?/, 'function ' + function_name);

// The code to execute when the ZeroClipboard lib loads
EmbedFunctionOnPage('DoCopy', function(button) {
    // Get ids required to build short URL to the post
    var questionid = location.path.match(/\/questions\/(\d+)\/.*/)[1];
    var shortquestionpath = $("#link-post-" + questionid).attr("href");
    var userid = shortquestionpath.substr( questionid.length + 4 ); // "/q/<questionid>/<userid>"
    var answerid = $(button).parents("div.answer").log("answer").attr("data-answerid");
    var shorturl;
    if (answerid) {
        shorturl = "http://" + + "/a/" + answerid + "/" + userid;
    else {
        shorturl = "http://" + + shortquestionpath;

    // Determine the content of the DIV
    var content = '<b>Copy the following:</b><br /><br /><textarea id="copy-content" style="width: 440px; height: 80px;">[' +
                  $('#question-header .question-hyperlink').text() + '](' + shorturl + ')</textarea>';

    $('body').append('<div id="copy-popup" class="popup" style="width: 450px; position: absolute; display: none;">' +
                     '<div class="popup-close"><a title="close this popup">×</a></div>' + content + '</div>');

    // Assign the close action to the 'x'
    $('#copy-popup .popup-close').click(function() { $('#copy-popup').fadeOut(300, function() { $('#copy-popup').remove(); }); });

    // Position the dialog
    var pos    = $(button).position();
    var height = $(button).height();

    $('#copy-popup').css('left', pos.left);
    $('#copy-popup').css('top', + height + 3);

    $('#copy-popup').fadeIn(500, function() {

        // Select the contents
        var textarea = document.getElementById('copy-content');




// The code that gets executed right away.
EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function() {

    jQuery.fn.log = function (msg) {
    console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);
    return this;
    // Embed the copy item
    $('.post-menu').append("<span class='lsep'>|</span><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='DoCopy(this)' class='copy-button'>copy</a>");


Thank you for this script. It was basically the thing I was looking for when I asked for a [Second 'link' button below posts which provides a comment style link in the form post title](

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Copy Question Link Markdown (modified)
// @author        Nathan Osman
// @author        Martin Scharrer
// @namespace
// @description   Adds a button for copying the markdown of a post's URL to the clipboard
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include       http://**
// ==/UserScript==

/* Modified by Martin Scharrer 14th April 2012 to support links to answers and to use short form URLs.
 * Changelog:
 *  o Added support for answer posts.
 *    - The pop-up window now appears beside the clicked 'copy' button, not at the very first one.
 *    - The included URL will point to the post the button belongs to, not always to the question.
 *  o The short version of the URL is now used to minimize the number of characters.
 *  o Changed "id='copy-button'" to "class='copy-button'" to allow multiple buttons.
 *    Before all posts got the button, which incorrectly had all the same id.
 *  o The object of the 'copy' button is now passed along with the click, not determined by its id.
 * */

// Here I borrow a couple functions I wrote for another
// UserScript that makes it easy to provide functions
// with complete access to the page.
function EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = "(" + function_contents.toString() + ")()";

// ...the other one
function EmbedFunctionOnPage(function_name, function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = function_contents.toString().replace(/function ?/, 'function ' + function_name);

// The code to execute when the ZeroClipboard lib loads
EmbedFunctionOnPage('DoCopy', function(button) {
    // Get ids required to build short URL to the post
    var questionid = location.path.match(/\/questions\/(\d+)\/.*/)[1];
    var shortquestionpath = $("#link-post-" + questionid).attr("href");
    var userid = shortquestionpath.substr( questionid.length + 4 ); // "/q/<questionid>/<userid>"
    var answerid = $(button).parents("div.answer").log("answer").attr("data-answerid");
    var shorturl;
    if (answerid) {
        shorturl = "http://" + + "/a/" + answerid + "/" + userid;
    else {
        shorturl = "http://" + + shortquestionpath;

    // Determine the content of the DIV
    var content = '<b>Copy the following:</b><br /><br /><textarea id="copy-content" style="width: 440px; height: 80px;">[' +
                  $('#question-header .question-hyperlink').text() + '](' + shorturl + ')</textarea>';

    $('body').append('<div id="copy-popup" class="popup" style="width: 450px; position: absolute; display: none;">' +
                     '<div class="popup-close"><a title="close this popup">×</a></div>' + content + '</div>');

    // Assign the close action to the 'x'
    $('#copy-popup .popup-close').click(function() { $('#copy-popup').fadeOut(300, function() { $('#copy-popup').remove(); }); });

    // Position the dialog
    var pos    = $(button).position();
    var height = $(button).height();

    $('#copy-popup').css('left', pos.left);
    $('#copy-popup').css('top', + height + 3);

    $('#copy-popup').fadeIn(500, function() {

        // Select the contents
        var textarea = document.getElementById('copy-content');




// The code that gets executed right away.
EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function() {

    jQuery.fn.log = function (msg) {
    console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);
    return this;
    // Embed the copy item
    $('.post-menu').append("<span class='lsep'>|</span><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='DoCopy(this)' class='copy-button'>copy</a>");

Source Link

Thank you for this script. It was basically the thing I was looking for when I asked for a [Second 'link' button below posts which provides a comment style link in the form post title](

There are however some things not yet perfect. For once I also like to have such links to answers not just to question. In this case the question title is still used but the URL of the answer should be used. At the moment every post (Qs and As) get the 'copy' link (all with the same id, which is invalid HTML), but the pop-up window only appears beside the question.

Also, the short URL should be used to allow for more additional text in comments.

I took the liberty to add these features to your code. Feel free to take over and adapt any changes. I added (modified) to the @name and renamed it to copy2.user.js to allow both versions to be installed at the same time (with one usually disabled).

Code preview:

Installation link:

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Copy Question Link Markdown (modified)
// @author        Nathan Osman
// @author        Martin Scharrer
// @namespace
// @description   Adds a button for copying the markdown of a post's URL to the clipboard
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include       http://**
// ==/UserScript==

/* Modified by Martin Scharrer 14th April 2012 to support links to answers and to use short form URLs.
 * Changelog:
 *  o Added support for answer posts.
 *    - The pop-up window now appears beside the clicked 'copy' button, not at the very first one.
 *    - The included URL will point to the post the button belongs to, not always to the question.
 *  o The short version of the URL is now used to minimize the number of characters.
 *  o Changed "id='copy-button'" to "class='copy-button'" to allow multiple buttons.
 *    Before all posts got the button, which incorrectly had all the same id.
 *  o The object of the 'copy' button is now passed along with the click, not determined by its id.
 * */

// Here I borrow a couple functions I wrote for another
// UserScript that makes it easy to provide functions
// with complete access to the page.
function EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = "(" + function_contents.toString() + ")()";

// ...the other one
function EmbedFunctionOnPage(function_name, function_contents)
    var exec_script = document.createElement('script');
    exec_script.type = 'text/javascript';
    exec_script.textContent = function_contents.toString().replace(/function ?/, 'function ' + function_name);

// The code to execute when the ZeroClipboard lib loads
EmbedFunctionOnPage('DoCopy', function(button) {
    // Get ids required to build short URL to the post
    var questionid = location.path.match(/\/questions\/(\d+)\/.*/)[1];
    var shortquestionpath = $("#link-post-" + questionid).attr("href");
    var userid = shortquestionpath.substr( questionid.length + 4 ); // "/q/<questionid>/<userid>"
    var answerid = $(button).parents("div.answer").log("answer").attr("data-answerid");
    var shorturl;
    if (answerid) {
        shorturl = "http://" + + "/a/" + answerid + "/" + userid;
    else {
        shorturl = "http://" + + shortquestionpath;

    // Determine the content of the DIV
    var content = '<b>Copy the following:</b><br /><br /><textarea id="copy-content" style="width: 440px; height: 80px;">[' +
                  $('#question-header .question-hyperlink').text() + '](' + shorturl + ')</textarea>';

    $('body').append('<div id="copy-popup" class="popup" style="width: 450px; position: absolute; display: none;">' +
                     '<div class="popup-close"><a title="close this popup">×</a></div>' + content + '</div>');

    // Assign the close action to the 'x'
    $('#copy-popup .popup-close').click(function() { $('#copy-popup').fadeOut(300, function() { $('#copy-popup').remove(); }); });

    // Position the dialog
    var pos    = $(button).position();
    var height = $(button).height();

    $('#copy-popup').css('left', pos.left);
    $('#copy-popup').css('top', + height + 3);

    $('#copy-popup').fadeIn(500, function() {

        // Select the contents
        var textarea = document.getElementById('copy-content');




// The code that gets executed right away.
EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function() {

    jQuery.fn.log = function (msg) {
    console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);
    return this;
    // Embed the copy item
    $('.post-menu').append("<span class='lsep'>|</span><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='DoCopy(this)' class='copy-button'>copy</a>");
