Are you still working/updating it?
Yes, I'm still keeping my applications as up to date as I can with the time I have. Obviously this is not as often as I'd like, but I do the best I can. Even after the contest, I still added 2 or 3 new apps to StackApps.
Are you getting traffic/popularity?
The ones that were doing well before are still doing fairly well. Of particular interest is [Stack2RSS](http, which has been swamped with traffic from feed aggregators and browsers.
Got some good review/link from some big fish?
By that I take it you mean "have the apps been mentioned on any large sites/publications?" The answer for me is yes. [StackMobile](http was featured on []( and [stack.PHP](http was featured in a [Zend Developer article]( [StackApplet](http was actually included in the [official Ubuntu repository](
In which way are you promoting it?
I'm promoting my apps on Meta when they solve a problem or feature-request. I was also advertising some of the open source apps/libraries through [StackOverflow's own ad network](
Are you going to monetize it in some way?
No. I do not have any intention of making money off of my apps. (Too complicated and probably not viable.)
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