Noticing a couple of "This IP has exceeded the request-per-day limitThis IP has exceeded the request-per-day limit" errors on StackPrinter log, I asked for a verification and the prompt answeranswer was:
I seriously thought that the quota check was by IP+AppKey
Let's see the faqfaq:
- Stack Exchange Notifier Chrome ExtensionStack Exchange Notifier Chrome Extension
- StackGuruStackGuru
- SkeetStalkerSkeetStalker
- StackAthlonStackAthlon
- Not a real questionNot a real question
- StackPrinterStackPrinter
In response to Kevin's answeranswer:
well, I think you are probably right in most of your thinking; I've drilled down into this topic a little bit further and all the APIkey-oriented checks I proposed (suggested more by the heat than by careful research) terribly suck.
Ok, they could be good for a toy API but not for a long term awesome project like the Stack Exchange API.
That said, I have to blame myself to have totally overlooked this aspect :).
In my defense, as previously said, faq is not particularly clear about this aspect and your answer given to this precog brilliant questionthis precog brilliant question was pretty misleading:
This wrong concept of "Problem with rate limit? We can increase it, no problem at all!" is sneakily reinforced in the faqfaq:
working solution herehere