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3D1T0R's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
SE Comment Preview - An attempt to add real-time previewing for comments
The preview also doesn't show that urls will be automatically converted from http://domain.tld/path/to/page to a link that doesn't show the protocol like domain.tld/path/to/page.
Better handling of indentation and the TAB key when editing posts
Better off using @match so that http/https and domain+subdomains can all be covered by a single rule per domain. e.g. //@match *://** covers Stack Overflow & Meta Stack Overflow, and //@match *://** covers all sites at, and their meta sites.
SE Comment Preview - An attempt to add real-time previewing for comments
Also, it seems marked is throwing Uncaught Error: Infinite loop on byte: 10 when a new line (entered by pasting something with multiple lines, or pressing Shift+Enter) is in the comment field.
SE Comment Preview - An attempt to add real-time previewing for comments
When certain characters (<, >, &) are inside code blocks (text surrounded by backticks), they appear as the associated html entities (&lt;, &gt;, &amp;) instead of the character that they are (and will be in the actual comment) in the preview.
Ask Jon Skeet - A Search Engine
Aw. It's down. ☹
RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues
@Filnor: If I'm not in the top x% for a time period, it shows "top % this ..." without a number before the %.
RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues
@Filnor: The same person also said a little later in the same thread that scraping info from the website is OK if it only happens when someone clicks a button on a website. So, (assuming you cache what you find so it doesn't happen every time someone clicks it), couldn't the "numeric site ID" of every site be scraped from if someone tries to check one that's not already known?
RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues
@Filnor: At the time I was just thinking I'd like to use it on SuperUser, but for those of us who aren't Jon Skeet, we're more likely to actually be in a decently high top x% of the smaller sites. I see no reason why others wouldn't want to use this with whichever beta sites they frequent (as I start to gain some more rep, I know I would). It's too bad that "we can't read the numeric site id from the API". I feel like that should be available, don't you?
RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues
Is there a reason this is only for StackOverflow? Any chance it could be made usable for other StackExchange sites, e.g. SuperUser, AskUbuntu, etc.?
PPCG Sandbox Viewer
As noted by HyperNeutrino, Mr. Xcoder and j-f1, this no longer works because of the 'new top bar'. Do you have plans to fix this? or is the project dead now?