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3D1T0R's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
Floating vote buttons (script)
This script isn't working properly for me any more. ☹
Typos in API documentation
Use bold text to add emphasis to where the issues are, and unify correction style.
GrafOverflow - Metric collection for Stack Exchange
Yeah, I see why you're not too happy with that, but it does what I requested. Thanks. It really is more useful to be able to see Ask Ubuntu's stats as 5.33 Q/hr & 3.33 A/hr than .09 Q/min & .06 A/min.
GrafOverflow - Metric collection for Stack Exchange
Any chance you could allow us to change the amount of time something is counted on a certain gauge, for instance I'd like to view some of the slower sites with 'x per hour' instead of 'x per minute' gauges.
Automated ROT13 spoiler comments
This makes dealing with all those rot13(Fcbvyre!) comments on Puzzling much easier, but I prefer to have the converted text replace the original instead of popping up in an alert(), so I replaced line # 82 with var link = `<a href="#" onclick="this.innerHTML = 'rot13(${text.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/'/g, "\\'")})';return false;" title="${text}" >${found[0]}</a>`; Personally it still isn't perfect for me, so I may make more changes in the future, but I thought you and/or others might want to do this too, as the alert() really broke the flow of things for me.
Floating vote buttons (script)
I found that this doesn't work (in some browsers at least) on the English Language & Usage Stack Exchange because overflow: auto; has been set on #content, so in my local copy I've added $('#content').css({'overflow': 'visible'}); to make it match the other sites. I also prefer having the vote buttons float down next to the comment section as well as the question/answer, so I added $('.votecell').css({'grid-row': '1 / span 2'}); too.
Afterstack - Productivity tool for the Stack Exchange Network sites
Well, I was really interested in this, but if I have to use Google/Github to log in, I'm not.
Tampermonkey script to hide New Contributor Indicator
I find it entertaining that there's a 'new contributor' indicator on this post to help people hide the 'new contributor' indicator.
Expand all comments script
Also: You can use // @exclude *://blog.* & // @exclude *://chat.*.
Expand all comments script
@BrockAdams & @​samcarter: Thanks. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but it really is working perfect for me now. I do have to wonder though about the coding style. I find it very weird to have spaces between function-name and parenthesis. Is there a particular reason for this?
Afterstack - Productivity tool for the Stack Exchange Network sites
Also, why use GitHub/Google account(s) for sign in instead of associating with a user's SE account via Stack Exchange Authentication?
Afterstack - Productivity tool for the Stack Exchange Network sites
Suggestion: Afterstack is a tool<del>,</del> for the Stack Exchange Network of Question & Answer websites, that provides<del>,</del> integrated searching, answer saving, refined results and profile based suggestions.
Expand all comments script
Just a few days ago, I decided to write a script to do this, today I find you've prepared one for me. Thank you. It works perfectly. +1
Few typos in the documentation pages
Looks like someone fixed programatically => programmatically on users-by-ids, but the rest of these are still there.
Stack Overflow layout optimized for 800x600 resolution
@BrockAdams: +1 for "Stock Overflow"