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6 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-completed Wrt the <kbd></kbd> insertion, how about this simple scenario: user has Shift+Alt+P and wants to convert it to Shift+Alt+P Current scenario: user ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
2 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-planned Can you please add in [tag:something] (to work like the other features) The icon can just be tag
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
2 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-completed Can you please add in strike-through <del>text</del> and Line break <br />
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
2 votes

How do you access the StacksEditor to set markdown from a user script?

The element (yes, it is supposed to be a plain DOM element as getInstanceFromElement expects to be able to access the dataset property on it) you are looking for is not the editor wrapper with the ...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
2 votes

/questions returns wrong markdown when a suggested edit is improved

This was an old, old bug: a bit of logic assumes that revisions can be ordered by their creation date. This is not true for Improved edits, as both the suggested edit and subsequent Improvement share ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 641
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

There is an issue with the new Dark theme on StackOverflow site, all the custom buttons now have B button background:
CrazyCoder's user avatar
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

bug status-completed The entire extension doesn't function properly in the profile editor (/users/edit/{UserID}). I can click on all of the buttons but nothing happens. (GIF) This is probably ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

bug tampermonkey status-completed I have a slow internet, so the webpage loading circle may still keep spinning while the #wmd-input textbox has already loaded. In this case, I've noticed that if I ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar

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