<!-- version: 1.0 -->
<!-- tag: script notification -->
<!-- excerpt: Update page/tab title with # of unread notifications. -->


Per this question: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/57315/can-we-get-notification-in-the-tab-change-of-title
This user script was created to help draw attention to notifications even when the tab isn't in focus.  It changes the page title to include the 'unreadCount' from the StackExchange SuperCollider.

## Code

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name           SE Tab Notifier
    // @namespace      http://fosco.com
    // @description    Update Tab Title when Inbox has content
    // @include        http://*.stackexchange.com/*
    // @include        http://superuser.com/*
    // @include        http://serverfault.com/*
    // @include        http://meta.stackoverflow.com/*
    // @include        http://stackoverflow.com/*
    // ==/UserScript==
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.textContent = "(" + grease.toString() + ")()";
    function grease()
     var notifyme = function ()
           if ($('#portalLink a.unreadCount').is(':visible')) {
                   var x = $(document).attr('title');
                   var count = $('#portalLink a.unreadCount').text();
                   var len = Math.floor(count/10);
                   if (x.substring(0,len+2) != count + ' ') {
                           $(document).attr('title',count + ' ' + x);
     window.setInterval(notifyme, 1000);






gfosco AT gmail