<!-- tag: I hope nobody is automating the parsing of this. I'd like it to be blackberry-10 but that tag doesn't exist and I don't have the reputation to create it. -->
<!-- excerpt: A Stack Exchange app for BlackBerry 10. -->

**BlackStack** is a native BlackBerry 10 app for browsing Stack Exchange sites like Stack Overflow, Stack Apps, and Science Fiction & Fantasy. You can view questions and answers as well as sign-in to your account to view your profile and posts.

Searches for questions, users, and tags can be made either within the app or using BlackBerry 10 features such as Universal Search and BlackBerry Assistant.

### Download:

BlackStack will be made available through BlackBerry World.

### Screenshots:

[![Screenshot of BlackStack's homepage with tab menu open.][1]][2]
[![Screenshot of an answer with an embedded YouTube video.][3]][4]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/fogktm.png "Click for a larger view."
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/fogkt.png "Click for a larger view."
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/9YeQhm.png "Click for a larger view."
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/9YeQh.png "Click for a larger view."