##Soapi.CS Basic Usage note: the code samples I am posting refer to Soapi.CS, http://soapi.codeplex.com, which is the evolved version of Salient.StackApps. The question will be updated when I have completed the documentation here. public void BasicUsage() { // The only class you will instantiate in Soapi.CS is RouteFactory. // You supply the path to the api and an api key, if you have one. RouteFactory factory = new RouteFactory("api.stackoverflow.com", ApiKey); // You need only construct one factory for any target site and you // may change the target site at any time via RouteFactory.Target. // RouteFactory is _very_ inexpensive to build so you should not go // to any lengths in the interest of reuse. // RouteFactory exposes one static property, RouteFactory.UserAgent, // that you may set as desired. // Once constructed, a RouteFactory instance is used to build Route // instances. StatsRouteMap route = factory.Stats(); // A Route provides access to the individual api urls. There is one // Route class built for each url in the api. // http://api.stackoverflow.com/0.8/help // The route builder method call is aware of any required parameters, // generally a list of ids and, where appropriate, accepts a route // specific parameters object. This will be covered in a later section. // The simplest way to query the api is to use the synchronous (blocking) // Route.GetResponse() method. StatsResponse response = route.GetResponse(); // Each route has a reciprocal strongly typed response type shaped like // the response type listed on the help page for the route. string siteName = response.Statistics[0].DisplayName; int totalQuestions = response.Statistics[0].TotalQuestions; float questionsPerMinute = response.Statistics[0].QuestionsPerMinute; }