<!-- thumbnail: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79671525/121116093-01b45b00-c7e4-11eb-8090-2faf1d9746aa.png --> <!-- version: 1.0 --> <!-- tag: stack-marks --> <!-- excerpt: Bookmark management system introducing categories for Stack Exchange --> <sub>v1.0</sub> ![stackMarks](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79671525/121116093-01b45b00-c7e4-11eb-8090-2faf1d9746aa.png) ## Screenshot / Code Snippet ![StackMarks-Demo2-SpectricSO](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79671525/121114834-49d27e00-c7e2-11eb-994e-65b35b3634d2.gif) ## About Inspired by this [meta post](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/408205/additional-features-for-bookmarks) ("Additional Features for Bookmarks") and [this one](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/407509/allow-users-to-create-custom-categories-into-which-to-sort-bookmarks/408227#408227) ("Allow users to create custom categories into which to sort bookmarks"). StackMarks™ benefits: - Keeps your bookmarks private (unlike traditional bookmarks, which are public) - Organizes bookmarks better - Compliant with [Stack Overflow Design Standards](https://stackoverflow.design/) **The Dashboard** When you make a new bookmark, it will save the link, title, and date. All this data is shown on the Dashboard. ## How to use? The dashboard is opened with the keyboard shortcut <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>K</kbd>. When you first install, it will be empty. To start, click the 'New Category' button and create a new category. Make sure to click 'Add' and ensure the category is added before leaving the dashboard. **If you want to cancel, click 'Cancel and not outside the dashboard.** Once you have created a category, locate the "+SM" button beside a question. It should look like this: [![StackMarks - +SM Button][1]][1] Once you click it, you will be prompted with a modal to choose which category: [![enter image description here][2]][2] Select the right category, then click 'Add'. If successfully added, it will show a notice saying 'Successfully added StackMark'. ### License StackMarks™ is licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/LICENSE). ### Download StackMarks™ is available for installation [here](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/scripts/StackMarks%E2%84%A2/) [ [Unminified](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/scripts/StackMarks%E2%84%A2/script.js) | [Minified (saves space)](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/scripts/StackMarks%E2%84%A2/script.min.js) ] Don't know how to install a userscript? Check out [How to Install](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/how-to-install.md). ### Platform ## Browser Support | IE | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | Opera | | -- | ------ | ------- | ------ | ---- | ----- | | ✔️ 8 <sup>1</sup> | ✔️ 4 | ✔️ 3.5 | ✔️ 4 | ✔️ 12 | ✔️ 11.5 | <sup>1</sup> SO Design Guidelines theoretically doesn't support IE anymore ## Contact New ideas? Leave an answer below. Encounter a bug? Leave an issue at my Github repository here: https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/issues ## todo list - Add notes to each bookmark, customize title in bookmarks list ## Code Languages: - JavaScript Frameworks: - jQuery (native) [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/7M8SR.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/hoRnS.png