`todate` and `fromdate` always refer to creation date. `min` and `max` are with respect to the current `sort`. So, where `sort=votes` they place upper and lower bounds on the `score` of returned answers/questions. They **can** overlap, but do not always do so. --- Documentation has been updated to reflect that `min` and `max` can be of any number of types. [`/search`][1] for example. --- We try and do "what's expected" given a `sort` value. `sort` can be of some set of values depending (and documented on) the route in question. Common values are `creation`, `activity`, `name`, and the like. Generally, the value of `sort` corresponds to a field in the returned objects to sort by: * `creation` -> `creation_date` * `name` -> `display_name` * `activity` -> `last_activity_date` * and so on... In rare cases the sorted field is something that is not exposed by the API - generally as a consequence of being hidden on the site, or only shown to logged in user - such as `added` on [`users/{id}/favorites`][2]. `added` sorts returned questions by the date the user in question "favorited" them. As we don't display such information anywhere on the site, its not returned by the API. While the possible types of `min` and `max` is (now) documented, the range can be inferred based on context. Namely, if the field being sorted has a certain range (`votes` for instance being positive and negative integers, `creation_date` being >= Jan 1 1970, etc.) then `min` and `max` must fall in the same range. `hot`, `week`, and `month` sorts are strange beasts. The *ordering* of the returned results is dependent on the "hotness" - an intentionally undocumented algorithm, subject to change, which drives the front page of the sites - of a set of questions. `min` and `max` on these sorts restricts questions by `last_activity_date`. This is something of a compromise. The API can't really take in "hotness" values, since we can't/won't document them, but it we do acknowledge that they are in some way influenced by `last_activity_date`; so we let you pass those in for a range. [1]: http://api.stackoverflow.com/0.9/search?help [2]: http://api.stackoverflow.com/0.9/users/1/favorites?help