<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/VT24I.png --> <!-- version: 1.0 --> <!-- tag: comments --> <!-- excerpt: Enables auto-completion of username in comments --> ##Screenshot / Code Snippet ![enter image description here][1] ##About To use, type an "@" then start typing a few characters of the user's name. Then hit <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Space</kbd>. The script will then search for usernames that match what you've entered so far. If there is exactly one match, it will autocomplete to "@username: ". If there is more than one match, it will autocomplete to the longest common substring of those entries matching what you've entered. For example, if you typed "@j", and both "Jeff Atwood" and "Jeff Probst" are active, it would autocomplete to "@Jeff". The usernames that will be searched for autocompletion consist of: 1. The person who asked this question. 2. The person who provided this answer (if you are commenting on an answer). 3. Anyone who has left a comment in the same comment thread you are writing your comment for. ###Multi-lingual support Those of us without fancy foreign keyboards can type "`@ol`" to get <a href="http://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/22459/olafur-waage">Ólafur Waage</a>, or "`@a`" or "`@ae`" to get <a href="http://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/132636/ther">Æther</a>. You can also still type the foreign characters if you know how. Of course, the name has to use characters that look *kind of* like English characters. (Sorry, <a href="http://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/130914/">ベレアー アダム</a>.) ###Optional configuration There is a variable called `suffix` in the code. It is defaulted to `': '`. This suffix will be appended after a complete match. Some people don't like the colon; if you're one of those people, just change the suffix to a space (or whatever you want it to be). ###Download [Install][2] | [View source][3] ###Platform Tested on Firefox 4.0 and Chrome 10.0, on Windows 7. Requires Greasemonkey on Firefox. ###License Do whatever you want, as long as you don't sell it or claim you wrote it. If you make any cool modifications, let me know! [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/6u5Qm.png [2]: http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/62163.user.js [3]: http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/62163