<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/ZhhsQ.png --> ##Screenshots [![ScreenShot1][2]][3] [![alt text][4]][5] ... but why not see the live site at http://stackinsight.com ##About Web application to show how all a user has been involve in the different stack sites over time. Just enter your username on the web page and you'll see a couple of views on how your interest (asking or answering a question) and authority (the communities votes on your answers) have changed over time. ###License Free - do what you want with it. ###Url http://stackinsight.com ###Platform Modern web browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome, ...) with Flash installed. ##Contact Feel free to post suggestions and feedback for me here. ##Code JavaScript, [JQuery][6], [Drastic Data Tree Map][7], [Google Motion Chart][8] Just 'view source' to see the JavaScript. It's all in the single stack.js file. ## Updates * v1.0 (9th July) * Moved to version 1.0 of the API * Moved to http://stackinsight.com * v0.6 (7th July) * Loading of all pages of questions and answers if the user has more than 30 of each (this can be slow if you have 1000s). Suggestions welcome for how I can speed this up. * Prettier accounts table with loading status built in. * v0.5 (1st July) Fixed issues when looking up more than one user without reloading the page * v0.4 (29th June) Fixed issue picking top tags in IE and Chrome. Less 'other', more good stuff! * v0.3 (27th June) * Smarter lookup of users across sites. * Case insensitive user lookup (thanks to farseeker for the report) * v0.2 (26th June) - Update for API 0.9 * v0.1 (24th June) - Initial release [2]: http://www.stackinsight.com/screenshots/ss1_t.png [3]: http://www.stackinsight.com/screenshots/ss1.png [4]: http://www.stackinsight.com/screenshots/ss2_t.png [5]: http://www.stackinsight.com/screenshots/ss2.png [6]: http://jquery.com/ [7]: http://www.drasticdata.nl/DDHome.php [8]: http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/gallery/motionchart.html