<!-- version: 2.7.0 -->

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### SOX v2.7.0

Stack Overflow Extras (*SOX*) is a project that stemmed from the [Stack Overflow Optional Features (SOOF)](https://github.com/shu8/Stack-Overflow-Optional-Features) project.

The SOX userscript adds a bunch of **optional** features to all sites in the Stack Exchange network. These can be toggled on or off from an easy to use control panel (see screenshot below).

Note: This project has no relation to Stack Overflow or Stack Exchange; it is simply a userscript that enhances the sites!

## Installation & Requirements

1. Install [Tampermonkey](http://tampermonkey.net/). This is a userscript manager that *must* be installed in order for this to work, as the script relies on certain `GM_*` functions in order to save your settings!
2. Install the script. Clicking on 'install' below will make your userscript manager prompt you automatically to install it.

    - Official Version: <kbd>[install](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/raw/v2.7.0/sox.user.js)</kbd>. <kbd>[view source](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/blob/v2.7.0/sox.user.js)</kbd>
    - Development Version: <kbd>[install](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/raw/dev/sox.user.js)</kbd>. <kbd>[view source](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/blob/dev/sox.user.js)</kbd>

3. Go to any site in the Stack Exchange Network (e.g. [Super User](http://superuser.com/) or [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/)). You will automatically be asked to choose and save your settings. A toggle button (gears icon) will be added to your topbar where you can change these later on:


## What features are included?

A full list of all the features is available on the SOX wiki page [here](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/wiki/Features).

## Bugs and Feature Requests

Please post bugs and feature requests as issues on [Github](https://github.com/soscripted/sox), where we can track them easily and push updates quickly. Please **do not** post them as answers on Stack Apps -- they are much harder to manage!

## Contribute

Pull requests to add new features or improve the existing ones, etc. are welcome! Please head to the [Contributing](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/wiki/Contributing) wiki page to get started.

## Changes

Please see the change log [at Stack Apps](http://stackapps.com/a/6358).