
###App homepage

![alt text][1]

###Printable view 

![alt text][2]

###Printer-Friendly button

![alt text][3]

###Bookmarks service
[link text][4]

I've created this tiny web application basically to add a "Printer-Friendly" feature to the StackOverflow Trilogy removing some `@Media Print CSS` limitations (pagination, hidden comments, empty spaces).  

**StackPrinter** retrieves all the details of a given id question with all the comments/answers and formats them in a simple essential printable view. 
[This][5] particular Meta.Stackoverflow answer has pushed me to code this app that allow me to store the most amazing SO questions to Html|Pdf ready to read on my shiny Ebook Reader.

Absolutely free


[StackPrinter][6] on http://stackprinter.appspot.com


No restrictions


systempuntoout [at] gmail [dot] com

Language: Python  
It runs on [Google Appengine][7] with [webpy][8]  
Credits to [Jonathon Watney][9] (i've tweaked his nice sopy library)  
Credits to [MichaelNoll][10] (sodelicious)  
Code on Github/Googlecode soon

Special thanks to the Stack Overflow API staff!

  [1]: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_EURUR9y0Q5g/S_cNts3iPLI/AAAAAAAABpU/mCt5KaGZtsw/Picture%203.png
  [2]: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_EURUR9y0Q5g/S_cNt6tsR3I/AAAAAAAABpY/iBYbYUIsOfQ/Picture%204.png
  [3]: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_EURUR9y0Q5g/S_cNuPdlH7I/AAAAAAAABpc/J8ZEtpKVgug/Picture%207.png
  [4]: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_EURUR9y0Q5g/S_cNuRHBedI/AAAAAAAABpg/pkQxckGa8IM/Picture%206.png
  [5]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/36709/printer-friendly-button/36743#36743
  [6]: http://stackprinter.appspot.com
  [7]: http://code.google.com/appengine/
  [8]: http://webpy.org/
  [9]: http://stackapps.com/users/36/jonathon-watney
  [10]: http://www.michael-noll.com/wiki/Del.icio.us_Python_API