###Complete Route Listing The `RouteFactory`'s factory methods are consistently and intuitively named by convention to make banging out code without intellisense code completion as painless as possible. Here is a complete list of the `RouteFactory` methods and the API equivalent. Starting to see a pattern? ;-) ---- **Api Routes** - `AnswersById` = `/answers/{id}` - `AnswersByIdComments` = `/answers/{id}/comments` - `Badges` = `/badges` - `BadgesById` = `/badges/{id}` - `BadgesName` = `/badges/name` - `BadgesTags` = `/badges/tags` - `CommentsById` = `/comments/{id}` - `ErrorsById` = `/errors/{id}` - `PostsByIdComments` = `/posts/{id}/comments` - `Questions` = `/questions` - `QuestionsById` = `/questions/{id}` - `QuestionsByIdAnswers` = `/questions/{id}/answers` - `QuestionsByIdComments` = `/questions/{id}/comments` - `QuestionsByIdTimeline` = `/questions/{id}/timeline` - `QuestionsUnanswered` = `/questions/unanswered` - `RevisionsById` = `/revisions/{id}` - `RevisionsByIdByRevisionguid` = `/revisions/{id}/{revisionguid}` - `Search` = `/search` - `Stats` = `/stats` - `Tags` = `/tags` - `Users` = `/users` - `UsersById` = `/users/{id}` - `UsersByIdAnswers` = `/users/{id}/answers` - `UsersByIdBadges` = `/users/{id}/badges` - `UsersByIdComments` = `/users/{id}/comments` - `UsersByIdCommentsByToid` = `/users/{id}/comments/{toid}` - `UsersByIdFavorites` = `/users/{id}/favorites` - `UsersByIdMentioned` = `/users/{id}/mentioned` - `UsersByIdQuestions` = `/users/{id}/questions` - `UsersByIdReputation` = `/users/{id}/reputation` - `UsersByIdTags` = `/users/{id}/tags` - `UsersByIdTimeline` = `/users/{id}/timeline` - `UsersModerators` = `/users/moderators` **StackAuth Routes** - `Sites` = `/sites` - `UsersByIdAssociated` = `/users/{id}/associated` **NOTE**: the stackauth methods/routes are available on every `RouteFactory` instance and are not tied to a particular target site. In fact, you may simply instantiate a `RouteFactory` with an empty string for target. This is useful in that you need to fetch /sites (Sites) in order to get an authoritive list of `api_endpoint` to use as target. ---- So, to recap, the basic hello world for Soapi.js looks like this: var factory = Soapi.RouteFactory("api.stackapps.com","mykey"); var route = factory.UsersById(14); route.getResponse(function success(data){ alert(data.items[0].display_name); //code poet! }, function failure(error){ alert(error.message); }); **Remember**: the `data` returned is the JavaScript object returned from the API method call. If you are in doubt as to what is being returned, simply look at the API help page for that route. The one exception that I have made is to abstract the array property of all 'returns' types to `items`. This enables more powerful application patterns. With an understanding of this simple code snippet, you can now easily and freely explore the Stack Overflow API with Soapi.js. **Next**: [Enumerated Constants, or enums, in Soapi.js][1] [1]: http://stackapps.com/questions/494/soapi-js/661#661