<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/nIQjy.png -->
<!-- version: 1.0 -->

## About

Ever since the [Visual design changes to the review queues](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/360198/visual-design-changes-to-the-review-queues) suggested edits have been too narrow. Especially when containing code blocks. But it doesn't have to be that way anymore.

### Screenshots

##### Before
<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/BTa7G.png" width="350"> <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/VOj7O.png" width="350">

##### After (One possible setup)
<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/BPRch.png" width="350"> <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/h8QOJ.png" width="350">

### Features

Includes choices to:
- Remove the "Big Box" on the right 1/3 of the screen.
- Replace the radios with real buttons, like they used to be.
- Or keep the radios, but move them to allow for a wider review.
- Rework the title to not repeat information.
- Move the post type (Question / Answer / Tag Wiki) to the title bar.
- Move the post-diff choices (Inline/Side-by-side/Side-by-side Markdown) up next to the Filter-button.
- Add diff-choices on title/tag only edits.
- Move the daily review progress to the "Review task"-button
- Add back the user cards of both the author and previous editor.
- Get the statistics of the editor with a link to their suggested edits.
- Change the size and colour of the edit "comment", which is renamed to "summary".
- Make notifications more prominent.
- Remove the line trough on deleted content.
- Show user filters in compact form.
- Current or Stack Design new user cards and/or Stack Design moderator flair.
- Use Stack Desing post summary that include tags.
- Put a link on all post titles.
- Pick an API threshold before seeing a notice.
- User interface with previews to toggle the options on or off and pick colours/text size.

### How it works

Installing it will apply the default settings to reviews in the "Suggested edits" review queue

To change the settings click on this icon on the top right:

![settings icon](https://i.sstatic.net/uXCbS.png)

and a user interface<sup>1</sup> to change the settings will appear:

<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/ELkJP.png" width="350">

<sub>1 Uses [Stack Design](https://stackoverflow.design/)</sub>

### Platform

Should work with any user script manager & any browser running JavaScript.    
Tested on Windows 10 using:
 - Opera & Chrome with [TamperMonkey](https://www.tampermonkey.net).
 - Firefox with [Violentmonkey](https://violentmonkey.github.io/).

### Sites

Works on:
- [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com)
- [Super User](https://superuser.com)
- [Server Fault](https://serverfault.com)
- [Stack Apps](https://stackapps.com)

Adding a header to the script can made it work on any site:

// @include      /^https://<siteurl>/review/suggested-edits.*/
// @exclude      /^https://<siteurl>/review/suggested-edits/(stats|history)/

Example for [Meta Stack Exchange](https://meta.stackexchange.com):

// @include      /^https://meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits.*/
// @exclude      /^https://meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/(stats|history)/

### Download

[GitHub](https://github.com/Scratle/fiddlings/tree/main/StackReviewSuggestedEditsRework) | [Install](https://github.com/Scratle/fiddlings/raw/main/StackReviewSuggestedEditsRework/StackReviewSuggestedEditsRework.user.js) | [Tersed/Minified](https://github.com/Scratle/fiddlings/raw/main/StackReviewSuggestedEditsRework/StackReviewSuggestedEditsRework.ters.user.js)

### Contact

For bugs, please post here. Comments are fine too.