I was unsure if I could upload an Exe File so I created an Excel App instead of VB.net app.

**What is it regarding?**

I am sure you are aware but for people who are not, you can earn a Bronze, Silver, Gold in a particular tag depending on the votes that you have got + questions answered. To get the information manually, you can visit your profile and under `Tags`, calculate the number of votes + questions required for a particular badge. This process can be tedious if you are expecting the badges in several tags.

![enter image description here][1]

**What does it do?**

This application lets you do the following

1. Enter tags (max 5) and spits out an analysis for the Gold/Silver/Bronze stats for the relevant tag.
2. It also alerts you about the number of posts which have a high probability of getting Great Answer (Gold), Good Answer (Silver) and Nice Answer (bronze) for the relevant tag
3. For the curious, it also gives you a bifurcation of the Votes vs Questions in the relevant tag


![enter image description here][2]


The VBA Project is not protected and you can use it freely. If you want you may enhance this App to your liking.


Please see below for updated version.

Suggestions to improve this are most welcome.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/YjjyD.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/KIHu2.png
  [3]: http://sdrv.ms/KWrJrq