I was unsure if I could upload an Exe File so I created an Excel App instead of VB.net app. **What is it regarding?** I am sure you are aware but for people who are not, you can earn a Bronze, Silver, Gold in a particular tag depending on the votes that you have got + questions answered. To get the information manually, you can visit your profile and under `Tags`, calculate the number of votes + questions required for a particular badge. This process can be tedious if you are expecting the badges in several tags. ![enter image description here][1] **What does it do?** This application lets you do the following 1. Enter tags (max 5) and spits out an analysis for the Gold/Silver/Bronze stats for the relevant tag. 2. It also alerts you about the number of posts which have a high probability of getting Great Answer (Gold), Good Answer (Silver) and Nice Answer (bronze) for the relevant tag 3. For the curious, it also gives you a bifurcation of the Votes vs Questions in the relevant tag **Snapshot** ![enter image description here][2] **Note** The VBA Project is not protected and you can use it freely. If you want you may enhance this App to your liking. **File** Please see below for updated version. Suggestions to improve this are most welcome. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/YjjyD.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/KIHu2.png [3]: http://sdrv.ms/KWrJrq