<!-- thumbnail: http://hewgill.com/senotifier/senotifier.png -->
<!-- version: 0.3 -->
<!-- tag: mac-os-x -->
<!-- excerpt: SENotifier is a Mac OS X app that shows the current contents of your Stack Exchange inbox in the menu bar. -->




SENotifier is a Mac OS X app that shows the current contents of your Stack Exchange inbox in the menu bar. Inspired by Google Notifier.

I created this app so the inbox notifier would be visible all the time, instead of only when a Stack Exchange page was loaded in the browser.

This app uses the new Stack Exchange API v2.0 with authentication, so it can get the current contents of your inbox.


BSD license.


[Download](http://hewgill.com/senotifier/stack-exchange-notifier-0.3.dmg) (80 kb `.dmg`)


SENotifier requires Mac OS X.

SENotifier was developed with XCode 4.2 on Lion. As this is my first Mac OS X app ever, feedback about compatibility with other versions of Mac OS X is appreciated.


[Greg Hewgill](http://hewgill.com)


This app is developed in Objective-C using XCode 4.2. No (Stack Exchange) libraries were harmed in the creation of this software (that means the authentication flow is all straight Objective-C code). [SBJson](http://stig.github.com/json-framework/) is used for the JSON parsing bits.

The code is available on Github at https://github.com/ghewgill/senotifier.