<!-- version: 0.1 -->
<!-- tag: app -->
<!-- excerpt: Best stack overflow question for a month, categorized by tags.  -->
<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/N9aaG.png -->


This website allows user to unearth gems which are hidden due to popular community questions. This is done by only showing most voted questions asked in that month.

It allows a user to follow a tag, or set of tags by subscribing to feed.

![enter image description here][1]



###Source Code





Tested for compatibility on the latest Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer.


Creator: Hitesh Sarda  
whois at hitesh dot in  


To extract and store questions  
 - Python  
 - [Py-StackExchange][3]  
 - Sqlite  

**for the website**  
 - Python  
 - [BottlePy][4] 

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/NfNmg.png
  [2]: http://stackmonthly.com/
  [3]: http://stackapps.com/questions/198/py-stackexchange-an-api-wrapper-for-python
  [4]: http://bottlepy.org/
  [5]: https://github.com/hitezh/StackMonthly