<!-- version: 1.0 -->
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<!-- excerpt: Technical Inaccuracies and Altogether wRong Answers -->


Quality is an important area of concern for Stack Exchange sites.  Immediate quality concerns are generally handled through a combination of flagging and downvoting.  However, some things don't warrant flags, and locating and purging useless, downvoted content can be tricky, especially when you have a limited supply of 20k users with delete privileges.

TIARA (Technical Innaccuracies and Altogether wRong Answers, named for a flag dismissal reason) is intended to help both moderators and users identify worthless content, and handle it efficiently.  It generates a list of old, consistently downvoted posts.  In the case of questions, only closed or unanswered questions are shown.  


To load the application, click [this link][2].  Pick a site from the drop down, and it will generate a list of potentially problematic content, sorted by lowest score first, and then by age.  

There's a bit of help text intended to guide new users as to how to handle things that show up on the list, but the hope is that it helps to focus site maintenance efforts on older, neglected, and downvoted content.  

This is still in the early stages, so any feature requests or feedback are welcome.


BSD 2-clause.  Source code is available from [this GitHub repository][3].


If you run into bugs, come find me using the chat system.  I am typically in the [StackApps](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/27/stack-apps) room, among others.

  [2]: http://agent86ix.github.com/stackapps/maint/
  [3]: https://github.com/agent86ix/stackapps