<!-- thumbnail: https://files.ginger.rto.community/toasty-thumb.png -->
<!-- version: 1.0 -->
<!-- tag: antifreeze -->
<!-- excerpt: An antifreeze bot for Stack Exchange chat.-->

### About

Toasty is an antifreeze bot for the Stack Exchange chat system. It automatically sends messages in low-activity rooms to keep the system from freezing them for inactivity. Toasty is usable by any user with at least 200 network-wide reputation through its intuitive web interface.

### Screenshot:

[![A screenshot of Toasty's index page][1]][1]

### Website

Find Toasty at https://toasty.ginger.rto.community 

### Contact:

Toasty was written entirely by me, Ginger. You can discuss it in its [dedicated chatroom](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/148706/i-cant-believe-its-not-botter), which is also linked to in the footer.

### License

Toasty is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

### Code

Toasty is written in Python (backend) and TypeScript (frontend), and uses [sechat](https://github.com/GingerIndustries/sechat/tree/v2) to communicate with chat. You can find the source at https://github.com/GingerIndustries/toasty.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/unHNA.jpg