I am working with StackExchange /users/ data and trying to get a user's "united" profile, to see what sites they're active in other than the queried site.
As an example: http://stackexchange.com/users/7dee0fe4-9eac-40f4-8521-89ce6916bd66?tab=accounts shows all the active sites for Jeremy Banks.
Each user has an "ID" number that is specific to that site, and the same User ID on a different site corresponds to a different user.  How do I get that unique user hash (here, "7dee0fe4-9eac-40f4-8521-89ce6916bd66") from the user data? 

I see the [users/{id}/associated][1] method, for API use.  It requires the "association_id" - how do I get this?
I don't see it in the list of values returned by [/users/{ids}][2] nor in the data dump.  Where do I find it, or how do I make it? 


  [1]: http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1/usage/stackauth-methods/user-associations
  [2]: http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1/usage/methods/users-by-ids