You don't need to support alias domains.  They redirect to `*` domains, anyway.

This will match all current Stack Exchange sites.  It uses `@match` for smarter domain and path wildcards.  [`@match` also works better for Chrome][1]:

    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**

Although, for slightly better speed and to help avoid unexpected results, **you should also exclude some sites** (Namely: The API, the main blogs<sup>1</sup>, SEDE, and the "all sites" pages) unless you are specifically coding for them. Their structure and purpose is markedly different.

**So use:**

    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @match       *://**
    // @exclude     *://*
    // @exclude     *://*
    // @exclude     *://*
    // @exclude     *://*
    // @exclude     *://*
    // @exclude     *://*

As a practical start for most scripts.

Note that [onstartups no longer needs to be supported.][2]

<sup>1</sup> The "not so main" blogs are all/mostly on a separate domain: ``.
