##Screenshot / Code Snippet

Screenshots can be found on the [google code site](http://code.google.com/p/stacked-odds/#Screenshots). They are slightly out of date as there have been several visual changes since they were taken but they give a basic idea of how the extension looks.


Stacked Odds is an extension for Chrome that is designed to help you find unanswered questions that you can answer from the myriad of questions you probably cannot answer.

It is designed to integrate fully into the Stack Exchange site, keeping to the visual styles and the way it works to make the interface as intuitive as possible.

The functionality can be accessed via the relevant tab on the Unanswered page or Questions page. For more information on using the plugin see the [Users Guide](http://code.google.com/p/stacked-odds/wiki/UsersGuide)


Dual licensed under GPL3 and MIT


You can download the packed extension [here](http://code.google.com/p/stacked-odds/downloads/list).

If you are updating from a previous version, it is reccomended that you regenerate the data by opening your profile, clicking "stacked odds" and pressing "update stacked odds data"


The extension was built on Chrome 5. It *should* work on Chrome 6 but isn't supported.


The best way to contact me is adding a comment here. Sending an email to anything at my domain (JacobEssex.com) will work but is probably slower.

*It turns out I am going away from the 24th to the 13th, so I doubt I will be contactable for much of that time. If you really really really need to get in touch, I can probably be contacted during the evenings from the 8th onwards on the mobile number listed in the whois record for my domain.* 


An overview on some of the code can be found in some  [documentation](http://code.google.com/p/stacked-odds/wiki/CodeDocumentation#Design_Overview). The documentation isn't complete, but should help explain things. There are other random ramblings on the google code wiki

The code can be [downloaded using svn](http://code.google.com/p/stacked-odds/source/checkout)