## What are permissible requests "speeds?"

The API will cut you off if you make more than **30 requests over 5 seconds** to any single endpoint.

We consider this a breach of the API interface contract, so you won't get a [nice error][1] back.  The exact manner in which this constraint is enforced can (and will, in all likelihood) vary over time.  Attempts to work around this limit will be consider [unconscientious use of the API][2].

Note that you can stay within this limit and still blow through an entire [app]s quota in less than 1/2 an hour.

  [1]: https://stackapps.com/questions/408/what-is-the-errors-endpoint-used-for/411#411
  [2]: https://stackapps.com/questions/571/conscientious-use-of-the-api