It's a bit of a Catch-22.  Work around it by:

 1. Make a [tag:app] (or [tag:script]) post for your app (or script).
 2. Also tag it with [tag:placeholder].
 3. And put "`PLACEHOLDER - `" at the beginning of the title.
 4. Provide a summary of what your app will do. 

Also, indicate in the post text that the app is not yet ready for prime time.

This has already been done a few times, for example:

 - ["Chatdump - a site monitor (placeholder)"][1]
 - ["A small Stack Overflow browser for Android, for a school project (Placeholder)"][2]

Warning: **Don't abuse this, or create an essentially empty post and not update it expeditiously**.  Otherwise [the question will be closed][3] and, if not corrected, quickly deleted. 

