## SOUP for Chrome Install Test [The owner of SOUP](https://stackapps.com/users/10283/ilmari-karonen) made an install guide in [a comment on this post](https://stackapps.com/questions/4486/the-stack-overflow-unofficial-patch-soup/7018?noredirect=1#comment15512_7018). I'll include it here for more attention, but if you upvote this, you should upvote that comment as well. > Just for clarity, note that [the official SOUP Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stack-overflow-unofficial/bagdnnmjfkaolcegcgeohpboeocfalpj) does not display this notice. The easiest way to tell that the SOUP extension is installed is by the presence of the grayed-out SOUP icon in the Chrome toolbar (unless you've hidden it). You can also press F12 to open Developer Tools, and switch to the Console tab; with SOUP installed, this tab should contain (at least) the lines `soup injecting fixes`, `soup init complete`, `soup setup complete` and `soup JS fixes applied`. [![Image of console logs][1]][1] ## SOUP for Chrome<sup><sup>Alpha</sup></sup> Install Test You can see if SOUP is installed by scrolling to the bottom of the page. [![Alpha install test][2]][2] There is hidden text saying "Successfully installed SOUP!". [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/66ZH1.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/hTLyv.png