The following is a quickly thrown together method that will return the accepted answer percentage of the user with the given ID. public static double getAcceptedAnswerPercentage(StackWrapper sw, int userId) throws JSONException, IOException, ParameterNotSetException { AnswerQuery query = new AnswerQuery(); int page = 1; int pageSize = 50; query.setPage(page).setPageSize(pageSize).setIds(userId); int acceptedCount = 0; int answerCount = 0; while (true) { List<Answer> answers = sw.getAnswersByUserId(query); for (Answer a : answers) { answerCount++; if (a.isIsAccepted()) acceptedCount++; } if (answers.size() < pageSize) break; query.setPage(++page); } return acceptedCount / (double) answerCount; } Note how the query object is used over and over again, and is updated each time in the iteration.