I used the [questions/{ids}/edit][1] to add a hyperlinked image at the end of a question. It works if I use the default dimensions of the image. However, if I specify the width using `width="320"` or `style="width:320px"`, the image is not visible. Below is an Objective-C (iOS) example of how specifying a width causes the image to not show up. [self.httpEditQuestion requestWithUrl:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@questions/%@/edit", API_BASE_URL, self.currentQuestion.identifier ]] post:@{ @"key": APP_KEY, @"access_token": self.accessToken, @"id": self.currentQuestion.identifier, @"preview": @"false", // TODO @"site": self.currentQuestion.siteIdentifier, @"tags": [self implode:self.currentQuestion.hashTags], @"title": self.currentQuestion.name, @"body": [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <p><a href=\"%@\"><img width=\"320\" src=\"%@\" /></a></p>", self.currentQuestion.body, self.currentUrl, self.currentThumbnail ] } ]; [1]: https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/edit-question