I am trying to experiment with the Stack Overflow API on my localhost and am struggling to get the authentication to complete. Here is my application JavaScript code (note that I am using IBM Worklight, hence the `wl` functions): function wlCommonInit(){ // Common initialization code goes here SE.init({ clientId: 4299, key: 'Dj9*ZH87BW6Q2hatei2mKw((', channelUrl: 'http://localhost:10080/', complete: function(data){ console.log(data); } }); } $('#submitButton').click(function(){ SE.authenticate({ success: function(data){ var link='https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/answers#order=desc&sort=activity&filter=default&site=stackoverflow'; $.getJSON(link+'?callback=?',function(json) { if(json.length!=0){ console.log(json); $('h1').insert(json); } }); }, error: function(data){ $('h1').insert("Authentication error"); }, scope: [] }); }); Essentially I am trying to return a JSON object using the `\answers` method. I have set the OAUTH domain on the App page to `localhost`. When I deploy the app to the worklight development server and press the `#submitButton`, I get the following message: > Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://localhost') does not match the recipient window's origin ('http://localhost:10080'). I have tried numerous potential fixes from discussion forums, but nothing seems to work.