<!-- thumbnail: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79671525/123726685-681a1f80-d85e-11eb-9802-90a114d7c4f1.png --> <!-- version: 1.0 --> <!-- tag: comment-assist-spectric --> <!-- excerpt: A tool that makes writing comments easier by introducing the toolbar found in the answers form over to the comments form --> ## Screenshot / Code Snippet ![CommentAssist Demonstration - Spectric](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79671525/123724196-e7f1bb00-d859-11eb-8325-52ee414670d2.PNG) In action: ![CommentAssist-DemoGIF-SpectricSO](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79671525/123726049-3fddf100-d85d-11eb-99f3-abfbbb6e9cb3.gif) <sup>[Not loading?](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79671525/123726049-3fddf100-d85d-11eb-99f3-abfbbb6e9cb3.gif)</sup> ## About Makes it easier to write mini-markdown in comments. Compliant with [Stack Overflow Design Standards](https://stackoverflow.design/). <sup>Does not use deprecated grid</sup> ## Use To apply the effect, click the corresponding icons. They styles are listed as so: |**B**|*I*| <> |🔗|"| |-|-|-|-|-| |Bold|Italics|Code|Link|Quote| When applying styles, you can either: - First select the text to apply the style, then click the style icon. This will apply the style to the selected text. - Directly click the icon. This will append the markdown style to the textarea with the cursor already in the proper position so you need not adjust the caret position. ### License [MIT License](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/LICENSE) ### Download [Version 1.0](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/tree/main/scripts/CommentAssist/v1.0) [ [Minified](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/scripts/CommentAssist/v1.0/script.min.js) | [Unminified](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/scripts/CommentAssist/v1.0/script.js) ] ### Platform ### Browser Support <sub>Script is deemed supported if core functionality works</sub> | IE | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | Opera | | -- | ------ | ------- | ------ | ---- | ----- | | ✔️ 9 | ✔️ 4 | ✔️ 2 | ✔️ 3.1 | ✔️ 12 | ✔️ 12.1 | ## Contact Author: Spectric. [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/users/14251221/spectric), [Github](https://github.com/SpectricSO) Should you find a bug or have a suggestion, feel free to leave an answer. ## Code Languages: - JavaScript Frameworks: - jQuery (native)