sanction is a lightweight, dead simple (**67 LOC!**) client implementation of the OAuth2 protocol. The major goals of the library are:

* Support multiple providers
  * Most providers have varying levels of diversion from the official spec. The goal with this library is to either handle these diversions natively, or expose a method to allow client code to deal with it efficiently and effectively.
* Support all server-side OAuth2 flows
  * Three of the four OAuth2 flows should be supported by this library. Currently, only authorization code and client credential flows have been tested due to lack of other (known) implementations.


    c = Client(token_endpoint="https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token",

    # redirect user to authorization page

    # get access token and make a resource request

Supported Providers
The following OAuth2 providers have been (lightly) tested:

* Facebook (include the test API)
* Google
* Foursquare
* bitly
* GitHub
* StackExchange
* Instagram

There is sample code for each in the example directory.

*I decided to re-post this package as not only did the github repo URI change, but it underwent a ridiculously large refactor, going from roughly 470 LOC to 67 (looking nothing like the original)*