Full list of supported buttons:

## Buttons used nearly everywhere

###Dollarify (`$`)
 - Encloses selection in `$...$`
 - Enabled on all supported sites
 - Keyboard shortcut: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>M</kbd>
 - Works differently on electronics.SE (gives `\$...$\` because these people talk about money as well and mathjax needs escaping)

###Double Dollarify (`$$`)
 - Encloses selection in `$$...$$`
 - Enabled on all supported sites
 - Keyboard shortcut: _None_ (use <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>M</kbd> twice, that should do the trick). Exception: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>D</kbd> on electronics.SE

###Exit math mode

 - Not an actual button, only a hotkey
 - Enabled on all supported sites
 - Finds the next dollar symbol and puts the cursor ahead of it. Useful to keep the flow of typing.
 - Keyboard shortcut: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>Z</kbd>

###SI-ify (`SI`)
 - Encloses selection in `\:\mathrm{...}` (upright text with an extra separator space for SI units) 
 - Enabled on Physics, Chemistry, and Electronics
 - Keyboard shortcut: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>S</kbd>


##Site-specific buttons
###chem-ify (`O`<sub>`2`</sub>)
 - Encloses selection in `$\ce{...}$` (mhchem chemical equation formatter)
 - Use the `$` button on the `\ce`'d text to make this a block element (use <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>M</kbd>)
 - Enabled on Chemistry only
 - Keyboard shortcut: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>C</kbd>

### Vector Fields(**E**)
 - Encloses selection in `\mathbf{...}` 
 - Enabled on Physics.SE only
 - Keyboard shortcut: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>V</kbd>

###Big O notation (`O`)
 - Encloses selection in `$\mathcal{O}(...)$` 
 - Enabled on Crypto.SE only
 - Keyboard shortcut: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>C</kbd>

###Sans-serif (`NP`)
 - Encloses selection in `$\mathsf{...}$` 
 - Enabled on CS/CStheory.SE only
 - Keyboard shortcut: <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>S</kbd>