This evening, I did some analysis with [mitmproxy]( It turns out that the Stack Exchange mobile apps use an undocumented API v2.3 method for this: `/me/achievements`. A `GET` call to `*-t3H1VAnvpZbcZ&access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN]&key=[KEY]` yields the following result: ```json { "quota_max": 10000, "quota_remaining": 7999, "has_more": false, "items": [ { "achievement_type": "reputation", "account_id": 6085540, "reputation_change": 2, "is_unread": false, "link": "", "creation_date": 1574444062, "title": "What's the best way to combine an action outside of the UI with an action in the UI?", "on_site": { "icon_url": "", "aliases": [ "" ], "site_url": "", "api_site_parameter": "ux", "name": "User Experience", "high_resolution_icon_url": "[email protected]" } }, { "achievement_type": "reputation", "account_id": 6085540, "reputation_change": 10, "is_unread": false, "link": "", "creation_date": 1574443466, "title": "Dismiss the "Meet The Overflow" and Podcast Episode banners network-wide", "on_site": { "icon_url": "", "site_url": "", "api_site_parameter": "meta", "name": "Meta Stack Exchange", "high_resolution_icon_url": "[email protected]" } }, ... ``` It works with any Stack App token, not just the ones from the mobile apps. You'll probably need one with scope `read_inbox`, though I haven't tested that. There's a related `GET` call to `` which returns the number of unread inbox items and the total new reputation (the green `+x` badge), but it only works with a token which belongs to the mobile apps. It returns something like this: ```json { "total": 1, "quota_max": 2147483647, "quota_remaining": 2147483647, "has_more": false, "page": 1, "type": "mobile_top_bar_counts", "items": [ { "unread_inbox_count": 0, "account_id": 6085540, "unviewed_non_rep_count": 0, "unviewed_rep_count": 0 } ], "page_size": 1 } ``` The `filter` seems to be necessary; without it, I get a backoff response.