**Description** This script hides the content of deleted answers (which are visible to 10k+ StackExchange users), injects a show content / hide content toggle in the answer's menu, and injects a visibility toggle for all hidden questions into the page. ![Functionality screenshot][1] **Installation** This script is [now available as a Google Chrome extension][3]. **Update Information** **1.3** - Fixed HTML injection, updated to latest jquery **1.0** - Added link for Google Chrome extension **1.0** - Modify the page only if deleted answer(s) exist **0.9** - Fixed bug in show/hide content logic. **0.8** - Added ability to save preferences using `localStorage`. **0.7** - Initial post on Stack Apps. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/PZkjX.jpg [3]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stack-overflow-deleted-an/jfabaciaijmkcolggpmgnlkobminopek?utm_source=gmail