[![Afterstack Logo][1]][1] ###About: Afterstack is a tool, for the Stack Exchange Network sites, that provides: integrated searching, answer saving, refined results and profile based suggestions. Currently: - 5 sites are supported: **Stack Overflow, Super User, Ask Ubuntu, Ask Different and Server Fault** (more to be added soon). - Searching does not require a user profile, however, saving answers and receiving personalized suggestions requires **sign in by using either a Github or a Google account**. *User registration is not supported.* - Only questions that **have been answered** are returned in the results. The **top 5 questions** are returned by default per every search (more options to be added soon) - The **top 5 answers** per question are visible - Each user profile can contain up to 50 saved answers. version: 0.1 beta ###Screenshots [![Main Q/A Viewer][2]][2] [![Search Related Saved Answers][3]][3] [![User Profile][4]][4] ###Download / Install: https://www.afterstack.io ###Contact: [email protected] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/EEKFI.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/ldHhX.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/vtbDr.png [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/BqFd1.png