<!-- version: 0.1-pre-alpha --> <!-- tag: data-dump --> <!-- excerpt: Convert Data Dump XML to HTML --> ##Screenshot / Code Snippet Screenshot coming soon! ##About This app was created to solve [a request on Meta](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/128451/data-dump-of-closed-beta-sites/128457) that the XML of the data dump is not readable. This app aims to convert the XML to HTML. **This needs a *lot* of work to be useful!** As more development is done I will update this question. **If this app would be useful to you, let me know!** I have a lot of things on my plate and I try to spend my time on the projects which are most wanted by the community. To use, run it in a terminal and pass the path of a data dump folder. The script will output HTML to the console: [jnet@Kyle Scratch]$ ./soDumpMe.rb ~/Downloads/012012\ Sexuality/012012\ Sexuality > "012012 Sexuality.html" The HTML that is produced groups Questions with their Answers and shows scores. Nothing more... yet. **Stay tuned for updates!** ###License Unicorn Software License / MIT license **Anyone is free to take my crappy code and improve it!** ###Download [Source available from my website](http://josh.gitlin.name/software/soDumpMe.rb). I'll make a Git / SVN repo for this soon. ###Platform Script is written in Ruby so it should run on any platform which can run Ruby. ##Contact You can contact me here on Stack Apps, or on [Meta](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/131541/the-unhandled-exception). You can also email me at: `soDumpMe -at- josh -dot- gitlin -dot- name` ##Code This app was written in Ruby and requires the **xmlsimple** RubyGem: `gem install xmlsimple`