A few months ago I came up with a few posts/questions on [meta.stackoverflow.com](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/) complaining about the bad usability that StackExchange forums, in general, have. I created a question suggesting the possibility of fixing them using a Chrome Extension instead of just commenting them here, but it did not attract much attention: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/295609/more-responsive-text-editor-and-fixed-position-code-editor-wait-for-the-changes After a long time, I have finally added a few extra features and improvements in general to make it more attractive for other people to install it (previously it was just an anemic extension that injected a few lines of messy `CSS`). You can download it from the Chrome Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stackoverflow-steroids/hmpehldkjbnpdhebfangeaoabhphihic Comments and suggestions are welcomed, as well as contributions. The extension is published at GitHub, so anyone can open a pull request with new features or improvements on the current ones: https://github.com/Danziger/StackOverflow-Steroids **I would like to know if someone is missing any important feature that he or she thinks that should be introduced as soon as possible.** The main improvements made so far are in the editor, as you can see in this screenshot: [![enter image description here][1]][1] **NOTE:** This question is a duplicate of [this other one](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/302600/edit) on [meta.stackoverflow.com](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/). [Martijn Pieters](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/100297/martijn-pieters) suggested to post this here and it seems a good idea, but I did not know this forum before... [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/tB69a.jpg