Soothe your beta api blues with a DIFF view of the entire API compared to the last changed version.

Instantly identify added/removed/changed elements of the API.


![alt text][2]

![alt text][3]

[**SOAPI-DIFF**][4] can be found @ http://soapi.info/Tools/Diff.aspx

Changes to the API are detected and reported within 4 hours of change.  To be notified of API changes, follow [SOAPIWATCH][5] on Twitter

  [1]: http://soapi.info/Tools/Diff.aspx
  [2]: http://soapi.info/images/diff-added.png
  [3]: http://soapi.info/images/diff-changed.png
  [4]: http://soapi.info/Tools/Diff.aspx
  [5]: http://twitter.com/soapiwatch