<!-- version: 1.0 -->
<!-- tag: LegacyQuestions -->
<!-- excerpt: Brings back the old questions design changed in a recent redesign  -->

## Preview


## What is LegacyQuestions? ([install](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/raw/main/scripts/LegacyQuestions/latest.user.js))

Legacy Questions brings back the old questions list design changed in a [recent redesign](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/375081/new-post-summary-designs-on-greatest-hits-now-everywhere-else-eventually).

### Additional Information

| <h3>License</h3>  | <h3>Suggestions/Issues</h3> |
| :- |:-|
| [MIT License](https://github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/blob/main/LICENSE) | Suggestions and issues should be raised as an answer in this post |

Languages/libraries used: [tag:javascript] [tag:jquery]