<!-- thumbnail: https://example.com/some-image.png --> <!-- version: 1.0 --> <!-- tag: website --> <!-- excerpt: Demo of Obsidian Digital Garden plus Eleventy Serverless OAuth --> ## Screenshot / Code Snippet [![Stack Overflow user infortion displayed on Obisidian Digital Garden plugin plus Eleventy Serverless generated webpage][1]][1] ## About This is a *proof of concept* / "minimal, complete, verifiable example" of adding the Eleventy Serverless plugin to an instance of Obisidian Digital Garden's (ODG) template repo for using a Stack Overflow account to **log in**. ODG is a community plugin for [Obisidian](https://obsidian.md), a cross-platform note-taking app that uses markdown for note files. ### License TBD ### Download - Website: https://demo-dg-oauth.netlify.app - GitHub Repository: https://github.com/rubenrivera/demo-dg-oauth ### Platform Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari. Other web browsers like Brave and Edge might work too. ## Contact I created this app using several tools. ## Code - GitHub - Netlify - Eleventy - Node.js - Nunjucks - JavaScript - HTML - SCSS - CSS ## Highlights 1. Add serverless plugin to userSetup.js 2. Add serverless auth files (Netlify/functions/dynamic/index.js, Netlify/functions/Utils/*, `Netlify/functions/auth-before.js` and `Netlify/functions/auth-callback.js`) 3. Add `index.njk` and `secure.njk` to `/src/site/` 4. Edit files from 2 and 3. 5. [Workaround] Edit `/src/site/_includes/components/pageheader.njk` to add a condition to "favicons" run only on the build phase (not when generating pages by the Serverless functions). # Related - https://stackapps.com/q/10533/105187 - https://stackapps.com/q/10534/105187 [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/O4QXL.png