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<!-- version: Jan 2011 -->
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<!-- excerpt: These books contain the top questions from a selection of the top tags on Stack Overflow. The top questions include those with a score of 10 or greater. -->


<a href="http://hewgill.com/~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks/screenshots/screenshot1.jpg"><img src="http://hewgill.com/~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks/screenshots/screenshot1-small.jpg"></a>
<a href="http://hewgill.com/~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks/screenshots/screenshot2.jpg"><img src="http://hewgill.com/~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks/screenshots/screenshot2-small.jpg"></a>
<a href="http://hewgill.com/~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks/screenshots/screenshot3.jpg"><img src="http://hewgill.com/~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks/screenshots/screenshot3-small.jpg"></a>


These books contain the top questions from a selection of the [top tags](http://stackoverflow.com/tags) on Stack Overflow. The top questions include those with a score of 10 or greater (except in the case of a high volume tag like c#).


The content of the ebooks is licensed under the same Creative Commons license as Stack Overflow itself.


> [Stack Overflow ebooks](http://hewgill.com/~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks/)


The ebooks are in Mobipocket format. They have been tested with the Kindle and are likely to work on other devices. They can be converted to other ebook formats with a tool such as [Calibre](http://calibre-ebook.com/).


These books were created by [Greg Hewgill](http://hewgill.com).


Source is [on Github](http://github.com/ghewgill/so-static). It's sort of a hodgepodge of Python, Java, and XSLT (applying the best tool for each job).