I know I can retrieve a page of users ordered by reputation using these apis:



Now, let's assume I get the first page of 30 users and the last user of that page (Peter) has reputation of `136519`. If I immediately ask for the second page, the first user of this page (John) has reputation `136515`, 4 less than the last user of page one.

Let's now assume I wait for a bit longer to ask for the second page. In this case, it could happened that John increases his reputation by 10 and Peter goes down to the second page. When I ask for the second page, I find Peter again as the first user of page 2. 

This can be a problem especially if I want to display the list in a scrolling view, like the one used in the [StackAnywhere mobile app][1]: in the case described above I would see Peter twice (and skip John) if I called the api while scrolling down the list.

How can this problem be avoided? Has StackAnywhere implemented any clever trick to avoid it, or simply lets it happen in the unlikely event it comes up?

  [1]: http://stackapps.com/questions/2370/stackanywhere-a-stack-exchange-client-for-android