<!-- Thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/TWlTc.png -->
<!-- Version: 1.0 -->
<!-- Tag: flair -->
<!-- Excerpt: Combined flair for all Stack Exchange sites, including Area 51, running on Google App Engine. -->


Screenshots of some samples:

![My flair][1] ![Jeff Atwood][2] ![Jon Skeet][3]

Tooltip with total reputation:

![Total reputation points tooltip][4]

Tooltip with specific-site reputation:

![Single-site rep tooltip][5]


se-flair produces combined-account flair in the form of a short HTML document suitable for iframe-embedding, a javascript file for embedding, or a PNG image.  The flair fits with the look of the standard flair on Stack&nbsp;Exchange sites. Using HTML allows for links to multiple specific-site profiles and tooltips showing total rep and specific-site rep. Totals are calculated across all linked accounts (as opposed to the standard combined Stack&nbsp;Exchange flair, which only uses sites where the user has at least 200 rep).

Display name and gravatar are taken from the highest-rep associated account. The specific sites shown and linked are in descending-rep order. The number of sites shown and linked can be chosen from 1-8 (with a default of 7, since the 8th just barely doesn't fit).

Data is cached for up to 8 hours.


See [http://se-flair.appspot.com/](http://se-flair.appspot.com/) for more complete instructions. Short version:

- `http://se-flair.appspot.com/[account-id]/` produces an HTML document suitable for iframe-embedding
- `http://se-flair.appspot.com/js/[account-id]/` produces JavaScript code that inserts the stylesheet link into the document head and writes the flair `div` into the document
- `http://se-flair.appspot.com/png/[account-id]/` produces a PNG image of the flair

Note that your account-id is the numeric ID in the URL for your profile on [the main stackexchange.com website][6].


See [se-flair.appspot.com](http://se-flair.appspot.com/) for instructions on how to embed the flair. Embedding both by iframe and by JavaScript works in current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet&nbsp;Explorer. In at least some versions of Internet&nbsp;Explorer, the [favicons][7] for the sites do not render well and the bounds for the suggested iframe are not quite right, though the JavaScript embedding method works fine other than the favicons.


See [Experimental Features/Changes and Revision History answer](http://stackapps.com/questions/2119/se-flair-html-combined-stackexchange-site-flair/2203#2203).


Comment here or email ilg at the domain in the website in my profile.


Written in Python (directly fetching API URLs), running on [Google App Engine][8].

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/ytqNh.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/cGxBE.png
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/gxpFz.png
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/2fayl.png
  [5]: https://i.sstatic.net/7ZEUT.png
  [6]: http://stackexchange.com
  [7]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon
  [8]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_App_Engine