Made some tweaks as follows: November 13, 2018: - Fixed the icon cutoffs. - Streamlined the `@exclude`s. November 16, 2018: - Switched to proper SE image host because was crashing and "exceeding quota". - Restored scripts to review paths, since they need duckies too. - Moved the script to GitHub, where we can support it more effectively. . // ==UserScript== // @name StackExchange, replace badge icons // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://blog.*.com/* // @exclude *://chat.*.com/* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://*/review // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== GM_addStyle ( ` /* change icons of badges */ .badge1, .badge2, .badge3 { background-image: url("") !important; margin: 0 !important; width: 14px !important; height: 14px !important; } .badge1 { background-position: -99px -398px !important; } .badge2 { background-position: -79px -398px !important; } .badge3 { background-position: -59px -398px !important; } ` );