Get tweets about new questions on Stack Overflow
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I am fed up sitting all day refreshing the home page waiting for that elusive question on symfony that I can answer and who uses RSS these days? So using tags and massive fonts you can now get a tweet with a link the the question title in your update stream. It uses twitter oAuth and makes friends with You will get @updates from @stackappbot. You don't want to follow that account really as if your friends all follow stackappbot you will see a lot of stackappbot posts in your stream! I didn't like the idea of using DMs as this usually generates an email which could also get annoying.
Now with the ability to search the trilogy.
Go play
Thanks to my employer I now have a proper domain.
I've built this using symfony but the I have been trying to make the StackApp api code non-library dependent. I do plan on releasing the code that handles this once I've tarted it up.
Email me (my username at gmail)
Tweet me @johnwards
Adding the ability to search the other 2 sites in the trilogy. Now a feature, also editing the site that searches run on
Add question ids and get tweets when answers/comments are posted.
Sleep mode. No messages during a set period.