<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/L4CwZ.png -->
<!-- version: 1.2 -->
<!-- tag: script -->
<!-- excerpt: Find good questions to answer on Stack Exchange sites filtering the questions page by score, views reputation and accepted answers. -->

<!-- some text&format from http://stackapps.com/questions/4486/ -->
<!-- Base icon from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hand_glass.png -->

### (Chrome only)

![script logo][logo] <sup><sub>v1.2</sub></sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Find good questions to answer.**  

The script will *filter questions in real time*, in all Stack Exchange sites questions pages,  
hiding them by score, views, user reputation and accepted answers. It only runs on pages where questions are being listed: Homepage, Unanswered and Questions.

Depending on the page and the configuration, very few questions will show up, and chances are good that they are interesting. If somebody already gave a negative vote, why look at it? If it's a new user, sorry to say, but very few *write* a good question or display research skills. Anyway, this is a tool focused on Power Answerers, who already saw too much.


&diams; The diamond icon was on the very [stack sprite][sosp].  
So took the liberty to use it and make our very own moderator menu :)

Adjust the votes, views and reputation thresholds, select if questions with accepted answers should be hidden, enable the filter and save. To disable, just uncheck the *Enable filter* option and save.


The ranges can be modified using the button <kbd>(?)</kbd>:



 - For now, *the script is only compatible with Chrome*. 
 - A **browser extension for managing user scripts is required**, like [Tampermonkey][TM] or other similar extensions.  
 - After installing the extension, clicking the ["download / install"][DL] button below should bring up a dialog asking if you want to install the script.

> ### [<kbd>Install with Tampermonkey</kbd>][DL]  
> <sub>[View source][source]</sub>

Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to make the sliders work on Firefox. I'm by no means an expert on userscripts, all contributions and forks are welcome.

<sup>- Version 1.2 - Code revision. Better handling of the Unanswered page. New indicator counting hidden/total.</sup>
<sup>- Version 1.1 - Now, questions are hidden/shown in response to the slider  values.</sup>
<sup>- Version 1.0.1 - Bug fix, page detection must be earlier.</sup>
<sup>- Version 1.0 - Added views. UI upgrade. Custom ranges settings. Localstorage is now used instead of cookies.</sup>  
<sup>- Version 0.4 - Detect if user is mod and use different icon. Expanded range of selection (votes -6/6 and rep 0/250).</sup>  
<sup>- Version 0.3 - Changed script name, it's not exclusive for Stack Overflow anymore. Added /unanswered tab. More information about the filtering status on the button's tooltip.</sup>  
<sup>- Version 0.2 - Support for all sites added.</sup>  
<sup>- Version 0.1 - Script launch.</sup>


  [logo]: https://i.sstatic.net/L4CwZ.png
  [ss]: https://i.sstatic.net/db9Ph.png
  [ss2]: https://i.sstatic.net/yTI5t.png
  [ss3]: https://i.sstatic.net/Gg45w.png
  [sosp]: http://cdn.sstatic.net/img/share-sprite-new.png?v=204b1e0e421b
  [DL]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brasofilo/FilterSO/master/FilterSO.user.js "Download / install FilterSO from Gist"
  [source]: https://github.com/brasofilo/FilterSO/blob/master/FilterSO.user.js "View FilterSO source code"
  [TM]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo "Chrome Web Store: Tampermonkey"