When working with the Stack Exchange API I noticed that there is important data (at least for what I thought to do) not available, whether the question, answer or comment was edited or not: ``` { "items": [ { "tags": [ "flutter", "dart" ], "owner": { "account_id": 4684815, "reputation": 4503, "user_id": 3792482, "user_type": "registered", "accept_rate": 43, "profile_image": "https://graph.facebook.com/100000271181489/picture?type=large", "display_name": "phongyewtong", "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/users/3792482/phongyewtong" }, "is_answered": false, "view_count": 2, "answer_count": 0, "score": 0, "last_activity_date": 1652287746, "creation_date": 1652287746, "question_id": 72204805, "content_license": "CC BY-SA 4.0", "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72204805/flutter-doughnut-chart-has-hugh-margin-padding-how-to-remove", "title": "flutter doughnut chart has hugh margin/padding. how to remove?" } ``` I understand that there is a way to reach this result (I confess that I'm not completely and absolutely sure about that) by taking the value of `"creation_date"` and seeing if it is equal to `"last_activity_date"`, but to speed up the work of a code, if we had this value already in the API response, it would be perfect. I think it would be interesting if we had: ``` "is_edited": false ``` or ``` "is_edited": true ``` Please, if can confirm if `"creation_date" == "last_activity_date"` gets the same result, that would be an important answer too!