Here is a bare-bones javascript, and you can run it from the console of [decent modern browsers][1]. It returns the 5 most recently active economics questions, tagged inflation:

<!-- language: lang-js -->

    fetch (
    .then (function (response) {
        if (response.ok) { return response.json(); }
    } )
    .then (rJsn => console.log (rJsn) );

It returns `rJsn` as an object like:

    { items: Array[5], has_more: true, quota_max: 300, quota_remaining: 288 }

where `rJsn.items` is the payload and is like:

<!-- language: lang-js -->

            "tags": ["inflation"],
            "owner": { "display_name": "Bob Umadbro" },
            "view_count": 408,
            "answer_count": 3,
            "score": 6,
            "last_activity_date": 1488986618,
            "creation_date": 1449974376,
            "question_id": 9767,
            "title": "Inflation without Increase in Money Supply?",
        }, {
            "tags": ["inflation", "growth", "money-supply"],
            "owner": { "display_name": "gabyarg25" },
            "view_count": 91,
            "answer_count": 1,
            "score": 4,
            "last_activity_date": 1488804578,
            "creation_date": 1483498408,
            "question_id": 14897,
            "title": "What happens if money supply grows more slowly than inflation?",


A more robust starter example:

<!-- language: lang-js -->

    fetch (
    .then (function (response) {
        if (response.ok) {
            return response.json();
        throw new Error (`API problem: Error ${response.status}, ${response.statusText}`);
    } )
    .then (function (rJsn) {
        if (rJsn.backoff  ||  rJsn.error_id) {
            throw new Error (`From API: Backoff ${rJsn.backoff}, Error: ${rJsn.error_id}, ${rJsn.error_message}, ${rJsn.error_name}`);
        console.log (`Quota remaining: ${rJsn.quota_remaining}; Items found: ${rJsn.items.length}`);

        let zQuestions = rJsn.items;
        console.log ("\nQuestion Titles\n---------------");
        for (let qst of zQuestions) {
            console.log (qst.title);
    } );


 1. Always check for error codes and responses!
 2. Always check for the `backoff` value!  If present you do not need to error-out though.  Your code can wait the indicated interval and try again.
 3. Monitor `quota_remaining`.  When it gets to 0, you are done for the day.
 4. API key not shown.  Just add `&key=YOUR_API_KEY` to the fetch URL.
 5. Use [a filter][2] every time.
 6. For lots of results, monitor `has_more` and keep fetching the next page as necessary.
